Burning Wheel #2

Another Burning Wheel session down and even more admiration generated for the system. What a fantastic role playing system Luke Crane has created. The rules absolutely take a while to come to grips with (to be honest, it will be a while before the system is completely free flowing) but the way it interacts with all its components works so well. The role playing generated (as opposed to roll play) are fantastic. I look forward to continue the journey.

This week Fragrance managed to come into contact with various people who had information on the slow burning rebellion which ferments in Skoja. Hamdi al-Tahir came to the Plains Flower seeking comfort and pleasure. He received this in good measure but when Fragrance pressed for some juicy information, the royal advisor thought the prostitute too simple to need to hear of such things.

Fragrance again tried to glean some useful information from his rival at the Plains Flower, Clara Flowers. Nothing comes free however, Clara wanted to get close to Madam Blossom, to be included in these errands and activities for which Fragrance had received many the past weeks. With a smile and a promise Fragrance tried to bargain for information but Clara did not believe him. Her menaced rebuff was so very final.

Fragrance did manage to keep his lover, Arban Thorpe, from danger. A patron of the Flower accused a girl of stealing and drew his knife quickly. Fragance’s secret lover heard the commotion and raced out of their private room, bow drawn. The moment was intense but Fragrance, through years of practiced platitudes, managed to calm his lovers heart.

Sergeant Wynnstan had a troubling time of it also. Like a piece of metal being dragged on rocks, his armour twice let him down. Both times the sound of chinking armour gave him away to his quarry. We now find Wynnstan near the docks of Skoja, two town militia of dubious honour as his only allies, stalking his way into trouble. With a crash and shower of laundered clothing, his quarry was once again alerted. The coach door opens and a bang echoes through the night. Who will emerge?


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