A new map (work in progress)

So it has been a while. I have been busily playing DnD, Burning Wheel and Star Wars D6 via Roll20 and loving it. There has been many things happening which have meant that adding content to this site, a labour of love just for myself really, has stalled.

But, I am working on a new map for my Burning Wheel campaign. Here is the draft version.


As you can see, the names aren’t even finalised. I think that i may even redo some things about the map by hand, re-scan it and add in the locations once more. I am very unhappy with the water effect on the map. I realised now, after checking back with my guru wasd20, that the effect is way too far off shore, too unbroken and also the same thickness as the line for the land. It isn’t terrible, but i may just have to redo it. Or not, let’s see how much time i have.

The main things still to do are to add a legend to describe the different terrain types and to flesh out the other places and their names. Overall, I love map drawing but often tend to rush to the end a little much.


Here is a more polished version. Again, it isn’t completely final but i sure am happy i returned to the map to redo the water effect. Also, after looking at how ‘wavy’ my coastlines are in the original, I would probably make my next map a little more angular in places.


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