Precursory campaign building for my players.

Instead of jamming up our Messenger thread with my random musings about a potential new campaign world, I thought I’d add them here.

The world is Elaria, you have been born into x city state. Each city state is run by Plutocrats. The wealthy families run the city states and control is kept strictly. The Havens (floating islands which support the remaining races) are run this way as resources are so finite. There are crews who are employed to ‘dive’ to the surface but the job is supremely dangerous and often, the diver does not return. There is also much competition between the city states and state sponsored espionage and corporate spying goes on.

Most of the Havens are a central city which then spreads out to farmland. The plutocrats have instituted a permaculture way of living. Systems all feed into each other to enable the continued existence of people. Bodies are returned to the great beginning so that their nutrients can be used again. This need to continue the cycle presses in on all but the richest people’s time. Most peasants have basic living standards met but must labour to maintain the Haven, with little variation or ability to ‘climb the ladder’.

The merchant class has managed to place themselves outside this nerve deadening loop. Trade between Havens is strong, each Haven has specialised in a certain type of good. This is where the adventurer’s step in. They have done ??? while on their Haven. They have been presented with the opportunity to attain their own airship and begin life as merchant traders of the sky.

The X and ??? marks are where we build the world together. Possibilities are endless. There was potential for a more nice, light kind of a world to be created. One where people are naive to their situation. But i kind of like the set up here. I am feeling a lack of religion possibly. Survival is one theme i would like to explore as well.

There is a part of me that is feeling Humans only, but i know that wouldn’t fly. We can chat about races and classes etc, We will definitely have muskets and pistols and dynamite though. Probably third level (or 5th if we want to be even more ready set go hero mode).

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